Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hot? Use that A/C.

Contrary to popular belief, if you are hot while driving then putting the A/C on a lower setting will actually save you gas over opening a window or 4. The reason for this is that your car is aerodynamically designed to cut through the air. When you open the windows this causes drag on your automobile which causes it to work harder and therefore burn more fuel.

Change those Filters

Don't forget to change your air filter on your automobile whenever they look dirty. If they get clogged enough they can lower gas mileage. Also check and change your fuel filter regularly as these can lower gas mileage.

Unpack that Trunk/Truck Bed

Is your trunk or truck bed packed with items that you don't really need to be carrying around? Remember, every extra bit of weight adds to the amount of energy your car needs to expend in order to get somewhere. When it does this it burns extra fuel and I don't have to tell you how expensive that stuff is nowadays. :)

Save the Driving, Surf the Net

If you are looking for a certain item, don't waste gas driving around town searching for it or especially to compare for the best price. Simply log on and do an internet search for the items in question and their prices and availability at local stores (most department stores have websites you can check now). That way you can simply drive to the store with the best price and pick your item up without all that extra mileage.

Saving by Paying Cash

Service stations tend to lose a ton of money when you purchase your gas with a credit card. Some of them will offer you special deals for paying with cash. If you aren't sure whether or not your local service stations do this, ask the manager.

Check for Shopping Cards

We know the local Wal Marts here will allow you to save up to 3 cents on the gallon by purchasing. Check at your local Wal Mart or other shopping centers for deals like these. You can really save some money and every little bit counts.

Is this trip really necessary?

Before you drive somewhere, ask yourself that question. Frivolous driving can cost you about 40 cents per mile driven. Also, if you do have to make trips to distances farther than ten miles you should try to combine trips. Remember, every mile you can save driving can save you money.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Keep Those Tires Properly Inflated

Check the pressure on all four car tires about once a week if you can. Remember to read the side of the tire to get the proper air pressure. Remember, do not over-inflate your tires as this can be as bad as under-inflating them.

Keeping the tires properly inflated saves on tire wear making your tires last longer and more importantly saves on gas. If you have to drive make sure your car is properly maintained. For some good ideas on car maintenance, check out Auto Repair For Dummies. It is an amazing resource for keeping your car in it's best shape.

For those times when you do need to take your car into the shop, make sure you know how to avoid common auto repair scams and save a LOT of money.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Change your Own Oil

Changing the oil in your car not only saves you gas but also helps prevent engine wear. That means your car will last longer and require less maintenance. You can learn to do basic car maintenance in Auto Repair For Dummies.

Remember, it's easy to change the oil in your car. You can do this with some simple tools. Don't forget to dispose of your oil properly!